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Head Coach:

Jeremy Bydlon
Jeremy Bydlon is a great coach and math teacher from the high school, and is always helpful and knowledgeable. He’s more of a friend to us than a teacher. He’s just as crazy as us, and just as involved in the team. We are very lucky to have him, especially since he’s both the head coach of FTC Team 7799 and FRC Team 3313.

Parent Mentors:

Dan Floding

Dan Floding is a mechanical engineer at Douglas Machine. He has two sons, one in FTC and the other on the FRC team. That’s how he got started as a mentor for us. He’s helped us with many of our technical problems, and has attributed many great ideas and building techniques to help the team. 

Michael Gilbertson

Michael Gilbertson is another mechanical engineer working at Massman. He is always very excited to be here, and always very helpful. He has a child in FTC, and used to have one in FRC. He too has helped with building and ideas, and always has about as much fun as the kids do!

High School Mentors:

Bryce Klang
12th grade
Bryce Klang is the main design and building mentor on the team, as well as the drive coach mentor.  He always comes up with great and unique ideas, and he strives towards encouraging the students on the team to think of innovative ways to design and build the robot.  He came from the FRC team to help mentor the FTC students.

Heidi Larson
12th grade

Heidi Larson is a helpful team mentor through her fantastic photography, her work on the mascot, and painting skills. She is always searching for new ways to spread her thoughts and ideas to promote our team. Her cheerful outlook has been an inspiration to all of those around her. She came from the FRC team to help mentor the FTC students.

Kacy McCormick
12th grade

Kacy McCormick is a productive, ambitious member of our team. She is always sharing great tips to assist the writing team with the Engineering Notebook, blog, and the social media. She puts her all into helping the team and has patience with students who still need improvement on their writing. She came from the FRC team to help mentor the FTC students.

Thomas Pederson
12th grade

Thomas Pederson has been extremely helpful with programing the robot. He tries to assist the students as much as he can, being positive about everything, even when the programming code isn’t working, and he tries to explain what he’s doing so that the students can program the robot themselves. He came from the FRC team to help mentor the FTC students.

Karl Santelman
12th grade

Karl Santelman is an amazing contribution to our programming team. He is always seen helping students in the programming field with C++, and LabView. He is one of the mentors that have had a lot of pressure and he has worked his hardest to ensure the program that is running the robot is in top-notch condition. He came from the FRC team to help mentor the FTC students.

Lacey Werman
12th grade
                                                                                                                      Lacey Werman has an abundance of creative outlets; this fun-loving girl is the helper of all our robotic needs. She mostly helps the student with the mascot and the writing. Since the time she joined the team, her positive and admirable attitude has rewarded her the nickname, “rock star,” for her constant enthusiasm. She came from the FRC team to help mentor the FTC students.

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