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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Final Touches!

Hey guys! FTC Team 7799 here.

Today is quite the busy day. Our PR team is updating the Engineering Notebook and our Business Plan. They are also writing the new list of build materials. Since our competition in Eagan,we have given our robot a big makeover. We have made several changes including making the entire thing out of sheet metal and aluminum. Now we need to list every little thing again! All together, a stressful day for the PR team.

Build team is reinforcing the wheels after a little incident at our halftime show performance. We were lifting ourselves onto the bar and the latch that locked us in place would not lock!! This caused our robot to plummet to the floor with a painful THUD!

This messed up the wheels and the motor. so now build team is reinforcing our wheels with stronger material.

 We also included some handy dandy tape work to include an IR sensor. In autonomous, the IR sensor allows us to score 20 extra points.

Today we are also testing out and troubleshooting our autonomous to find the best way to spend the first 30 seconds of our match.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Is This Fun IR What?

Today is IR, IR, IR. (Infrared)  The programming team finished the IR program, and they're going to test the IR beacon later today. Right now though, they're helping the build team with, you guessed it, IR.

The build team is putting on the IR sensor, along with fortifying the port bar, so our little robot doesn't concave. Also, Did you know we got a switch??

As for PR, it's same old, same old. Engineering Notebook, blog. As far as State goes, we were ready at Qualifiers.

It's Running!

Hey! Guess what, we have the robot up and running again. YAYY.

The build team, mounted the wheels back on the bot, so we can finally start to get things going again.Its been a little weird without a running bot for the past couple weeks, but we are sure glad to have it buzzing around the room!

On a related note, the programmers have the autonomous working, they even think they have the IR sensor ready, which is totally awesome! Fingers crossed that it works!

 Also, the rest of the team today, along with some 3313 team members are at our local food shelf, trying to help out as much as we can before the holidays.

Alright, well that's all we've got for today, thanks for checking in!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Just for a Day

A'ight, today the build team will be mounting the plow, and since they got the rack and pinion done yesterday ( see last post ''I'm back''), they are going to be able to push the plow forward so, Logan, our driver can see what he is doing.

The programmers will be testing the rack and pinion on the bot, and so far that is going well. Well being a relative term. anyway they are testing, and rather than arguing about the relativity of the robot to wellness, they are fixing the bugs and being productive, unlike me.

we are having a relatively calm though unexciting day as our engineering notebook mastermind and kind of my boss, Sam, is not here. However we will manage for one day without her... (hopefully). Well, that's it for now, don't forget to check in, see ya.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm back!

hey people, Betsy's back!

ooookkkaaaayyyyy, on the not-quit-awesome-but-still-pretty-cool side of things, lets see what's going on on the team agenda.

The build team will be working on connecting the plow in a way that our drivers can see what they are doing when they are pushing blocks and scoring out on the field, along with perfecting their 'skiing routine. (Inside joke)

the build team will also be working on a new servo mounting bracket for the catch finger, which means we are doing more today than we thought we were  gonna today.

You can see just how productive, and what a team effort this is, from this picture I titled "Really, More Games?" I'm just kidding, mostly, not really, but yeah I'm kidding.... (or am I?)

the programmers insanely smart brains containing lots of smartness, will be focused on configuring buttons for the TellyOp and to test the rack and pinion, that is if things go according to plan.

Any Who, that's all i got for today, see y'all, we out!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Clean Up Time!

Hey y'all! Another installment of the grand workings of 7799 robotics team. Today we're gonna smooth around the edges of our inner workings, so that we can all work a little faster, be a little more productive.

An example of this is the build team. With some of our main chaperons not coming until later, they're taking this moment to clean up around the workshop and get everything organized. 

The programming team is making a new banner  for State in February. 

As for PR, it's really same old-same old. Update the blog, take pictures, and possibly work on the Engineering Notebook, if the person who has it makes it today. :(

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Tortoise and the Infrared Sensor

Bonjour! Today on our truly
awesome team, it's a pretty slow one. 

The robot's pretty much programmed, so that makes the programmers kind of useless. However, they are trying to keep busy by looking up ways to program infrared sensors for if we get one. Fun?

As far as the build team goes, they have even less to do. Wait, let me rephrase that, the have a lot to do, they just can't until a few of our mentors come from their engineering jobs, and give some advice on how to build the robot. We took the whole thing apart to change it to a metal base, though, so we have PLENTY to do.
PR's pretty slow too. Just blogging and the Engineering Notebook. The mascots done, and the Engineering Notebook close enough.

So, yeah. Not much today. I sincerely apologize if you got bored reading this.